Monday, May 11, 2009

Down But Not Out!

This last week has been a WHIRLWIND. I have been busy! So busy in fact, I came home at night and looked like this:
I got so bogged down, I would go cross-eyed...
... made me a little snippy. (sorry, friends)
At times, I just needed to vent... chew on someones ear for a while. Thank goodness I have such a great husband - he lets me "chew on his ear," which really helps me relieve some extra air.

However, (minus one assignment due on Wednesday) School is O-V-E-R for the semester; the house is listed; we have managed to survive our first "we must keep the house spotless" weekends, and I even had time to have a FUN weekend. Now, I am starting to feel like this:
I feel like I have re-energized my soul... I can have a life outside of school, personal matters and work. I can have a drink with friends...go to the park and play "catch" up":
I am back to the real Erin Mills. I am happy! I am rejuvenated, and look forward to tomorrow again!

**I found all of these pictures online. I do not know any of these doggies...but they sure are cute.

1 comment:

  1. Wowzah! You are a dork, part of why I love you. Talk to you tonight. Hooray for school being (almost) OVER!
